Detail Then Sell the KITT Trans Am

1982 KITT Trans AM
1982 KITT Trans AM

Detailing then selling a KITT Trans Am for a good profit.

In the first season of Knight Rider, the 1982 Pontiac Trans Am played the role of KITT (Knight Industries Two Thousand), a name given to the car by Knight Industries.

Larry of NYC is so aware of the fact that many people would be interested in purchasing a classic Pontiac if the price were right that he was able to sell a 1982 Trans Am at a price that was more than double his initial investment simply by making it seem like new.

Since 1995, or for around 27 years, this classic car from 1982 has been stored in the owner’s garage. Larry, aware of the desire for such an iconic vehicle, went to a customer’s place of business in person with two different price proposals. Either he will immediately purchase the vehicle, or he will detail it himself. Following some brief discussion, the owner indicated that he would be willing to let rid of the Trans Am for the correct price, and as a result, he settled on a price of $4,500 to sell the vehicle to Larry.

After transporting the Trans Am to Larry’s garage, he immediately began the laborious process of washing the vehicle. The first step in the process involved cleaning the vehicle’s undercarriage, engine compartment, and exterior. It seems that the 27 years that the Trans Am spent lying dormant turned it into a habitat for dirt and rodents, and Larry found the task of cleaning it to be rather difficult. For Larry to figure out how he was going to detail the Trans Am, he first measured the depth of the paint job. After all, polishing the automobile back to a shiny finish would chip part of the paint.

After Larry had finished the initial polishing work, he posted a picture of the Trans-Am on his Instagram account. Almost immediately, he received interest from five potential buyers. The external finishing work that was done on the Trans Am was done to such a high standard that it makes the car appear brand new. After that, Larry moved on to tackling the interior. Because the interior is constructed out of a variety of materials, he needs to handle it with a greater level of care and precision. He scrubbed and polished every nook and cranny of the cabin until it was spotless, orderly, and gleaming enough to receive passengers.

The entire process of detailing this 1982 Pontiac Trans Am took Larry approximately two days to finish. After that, customers interested in purchasing the 1982 Pontiac Trans Am came to the workshop ready to make a purchase. It would appear that the purchasers were KITT aficionados on the hunt for a Trans Am; before any transaction, they tested to see if the engine was still operational. The transmission engaged, and the engine of the Trans Am fired up. Larry was able to make a profit on his investment of roughly $8,000 by selling the car for $12,500.